House Comparison Calculator Template
Are you looking to buy an apartment or house? This template will save you a ton of time during your house hunting. This calculator can figure out what your monthly mortgage payment will be for each property in your search, what your upfront cash requirements are, compare it to your current monthly cash flow, and will estimate a total down payment requirement.
If you've ever bought a house, you know that the process of comparing costs between properties is daunting. This spreadsheet allows you to maintain a big list of all the properties you're interested in and then compare the upfront and monthly costs of each of them.
In one sheet, you enter all the details of the houses you see: price, monthly taxes, square footage, etc. In another sheet you can choose one of those properties from a drop down and then see all the relevant financial calculations: closing costs, monthly costs, comparisons to your existing costs (mortgage or rent), and much more.
You can use this house calculator spreadsheet to collaborate on your home purchase. You can even invite your real estate agent to review and edit your sheet.
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